French unions fear govt sale of 23% stake in Orange - TelecomPaper

Unions at Orange have written to the French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe asking for clarification on the state's plans for its 23 percent stake in Orange. This follows statements from Philippe and others that the government plans to reduce its stakes in several companies, in order to free up money for investment, Le Monde reports.


Extrait de Telecompaper - 13/06/2017

Economie et Réglementation des Télécoms Participation, Intéressement et Actionnariat

Nos coordonnées

CFE-CGC Orange
10-12 rue Saint Amand
75015 Paris Cedex 15

nous contacter
01 46 79 28 74
01 40 45 51 57



Siège : CFE-CGC Orange - 89 Bd de Magenta, 75010 PARIS - SIRET 50803050900030 - 9420Z
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