At Orange, the question of the age of the president creates tensions - GlobeEcho


In the heart of the process of appointing the future president of Orange, called to replace Stéphane Richard after the general meeting of shareholders on May 19, the question of the age of the future captain is creating a stir internally. The employee shareholders, who hold just over 7% of the capital and 11% of the voting rights of the telecom operator via the Orange Actions company investment fund, oppose a project to change the group’s statutes , has learned The world. The three trade union organizations represented on the FCPE supervisory board, namely the CGT, the CFDT and CFE-CGC, came out unanimously against this project.


“How could the staff accept that Orange is chaired by a septuagenarian when the issues require younger leaders? », are astonished the employee shareholders in a press release published on March 14.


Read more on GlobeEcho - David Sadler -15/03/2022


Economie et Réglementation des Télécoms

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CFE-CGC Orange
10-12 rue Saint Amand
75015 Paris Cedex 15

nous contacter
01 46 79 28 74
01 40 45 51 57



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